Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Choose Your Crowd!

Socializing is an inherent human need for survival. The kind of benefits you derive from other people's company is vital in keeping your mental health up and running smoothly. Despite the fact there are natural born loners, it never happens that any one of us could totally obliterate the presence of other people in one's life. At some point, you would eventually find yourself interacting and mingling with people.

However, as important and inevitable as their presence is, exposing yourself to certain personalities could actually poison your life rather than help you grow. Such people are those identified to possess toxic personalities capable of driving any one they come in contact with round the bend. All these personalities are united in their contagious negativity. Hence, prolonged exposure to them puts you at risk of turning into one of them!

For your sanity's sake, exercise your inherent privilege to choose your crowd wisely. Thus, you control your exposure to these kind of people and ensure your peace of mind. You don't have to be rude. All you have to do is keep your distance and restrict their presence only in areas or aspects where you can't help but have them around.

written by: Maris Modesto

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